Friday, September 7, 2007

Freedom of choice

This is an interesting observation and it raises an imp question.Is the idea of freedom of choice is a reality or just a scam to blame us of things we have no control on.we are products of genes and social experiences on which we have no control.The way we look at things and deals with different matters depends upon our personality.personality depends upong experiences and genes.I often wonder where is the freedom part in this equation.

"Society prepares a crime and criminal commits it"

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Our presents to children

Recently i attended a birthday party and seeing the gifts made me wonder. There were gifts which i thought outright useless, others bearable but stupid. And then i thought the gifts we select to give represent us, what we are and maybe what we have missed when we were children. Our desires in terms of our presents and I saw that people get as happy with their present as the child who gets them. We proudly show around what we have given, proud of a selection that we made? What i wanted to select was so different then what my wife wanted to select. Is this the difference in our childhood that is coming up. I saw in a discovery documentary that a research showed that male child usually select (out of a wide range) toys which are constructional while female child goes for something which they can hug. There is so much programmed in us what we do "routinely". I think there is nothing routine, everything is a calculated result of your history and genes.

This Blog

I have created this blog to share different thoughts I have about life and people and things in general. Like a revelation or understanding, something coming into concious suddenly although the idea was somewhere deep inside and suddenly you got words for it or it came into your concious. Well you can call it criticism but its just an analysis from my point of view. Well actually our point of view as i invite anybody to share a thought or understanding or analysis of things in general. It could be anything, litterally anything like people, personalities, books, movies and life events to give just a few examples. So take your heart out well rather mind out here.